Reminder that Friday's are early release days. School release is at 2:30 p.m.

Ms. Ludvick's 5th and 6th graders have been working hard earning Dojo points. The kids choose to spend the majority of the points they earned today. Some used it on having lunch with Mr. Harvilla and some chose to use theirs on going to the CTE simulator room with Ms. Ashley. Very exciting! Keep up the positive work!

Please see the attached file for the 2024-2025 sports schedule. We hope to see everyone out to support the kids this school year!

Bristol Bay Borough Schools will be closed Monday, September 2 for Labor Day.

The preschool and kindergartners decided that the bears wanted coffee. They had a lot of fun watching the bears this morning.

After art class today, the kindergarteners got to enjoy a story written by Mr.Jim himself.

You are invited to provide input into Bristol Bay Borough School District's new strategic plan!
https://forms.gle/8xn8QtHktgaPWQBh7 I
Bristol Bay Borough School District is working on developing a new strategic plan. Developing a Strategic Plan is vital for moving the District forward -- the plan becomes the map for the board and staff to follow. It is vitally important that the plan is developed by a diverse representation of our community.
This community survey is being administered by the Association of Alaska School Board's Board Development team on behalf of our District and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Your responses to this survey will remain anonymous and individual responses will be combined when presented to the Board of Education and the team that is being pulled together to work on the Strategic Plan. Please note responses that contain names of individuals and / or foul language will be deleted.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your input on our strategic plan. This survey will remain open through Friday September 14 at 5 pm.

PRE-K 3 Starts Tuesday September 3! Call the school office to get your children registered. 907-246-4265

Cross Country Event on Saturday 8/24 at 12:00 pm. Event starts and ends behind Hadfield's. Girls start first- followed immediately by the boys. Help us welcome Dillingham, Manokotak, and New Stuyahok.

Reminder that Friday's are early release days. School release is at 2:30 p.m.
Thank you, for a great first week. Enjoy your weekend.
LUNCH UPDATE: Monday's lunch will be changed to Chicken Stir Fry. Sorry for any confusion.

Due to the amazing support of Camai CHI and OBI Seafoods, we will be transporting kids on the normal schedule. We truly appreciate all the community support!

Good Afternoon,
Our bus is having mechanical issues, Principal Ingalls will be calling all families with students that ride the bus with alternate transportation options. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Due to unforeseen circumstances basketball will be canceled tonight, Tuesday August 20th. We will be back for open gym ln Thursday. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please join us at 4:00 p.m. today, August 16th at the school for an important Federal Programs / ESEA school wide plan meeting.
Topic: ESEA Meeting 2024-205
Time: Aug 16, 2024 04:00 PM Alaska
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 6663 7804
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Meeting ID: 833 6663 7804
Find your local number: https://bbbsd-net.zoom.us/u/kbn3EoUcAB

We are looking forward to seeing all you Angels at Open House!
Tonight, Friday 8/16 from 5-7 pm!

Preschool 3 Parents/ Guardians,
Preschool will begin September 3rd. We cannot wait for you to meet our new instructor, Kristin Maginty, Ms. Snoww!
Contact the school office for enrollment 246-4265

Open House Friday 08/16/2024 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
We are looking forward to seeing all of you Angels.

Please, drop by the school between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm for student enrollment and/or re-enrollment. Enrollment forms can also be completed at the Open House.
We look forward to seeing all of you Angels for a wonderful school year.

Begining on August 20th, there will be open gym basketball from 7-9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Open gym is available for any adults and students enrolled in grades 8-12 at Bristol Bay school. Thank you to Parks and Rec for running open gym all summer!